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Trust and understanding: 12 tips for discussing your desires with your partner


Discussing sexual desires can be a challenging task for many couples, but it is a crucial part of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Open and honest communication about sexual needs and desires not only helps prevent misunderstandings, but can also strengthen the bond between partners.

In this guide, we discuss in detail how to effectively communicate sexual desires with your partner, with practical tips and techniques you can apply.

1. Create a safe and comfortable environment

One of the most important steps in discussing sexual desires is creating a safe and trusting environment. This means that both partners feel comfortable and respected during the conversation. It is helpful to have a “kitchen table discussion,” meaning that you separate the discussion from the sexual act itself. This can help ease tension and promote open, honest dialogue .

2. Be clear and direct

Clarity is essential when communicating sexual desires. Use “I messages” to avoid coming across as accusatory. For example, instead of “You’re doing this wrong,” you could say, “I would love it if…” This helps keep communication positive and constructive .

3. Use both verbal and nonverbal communication

Communication is not only about what you say, but also about how you say it. Body language plays an important role in how your message is received. Nonverbal cues such as touch, facial expressions and body posture can be just as important as words. You can show your partner what you like by moving their hand or moving your body in a certain direction, for example.

4. Positive approach

It is important to be patient and supportive during conversations about sexual desires. Focus on what feels good and give positive feedback. This creates an open and safe atmosphere where both partners feel comfortable expressing their desires without fear of criticism. Avoiding negativity and criticism is crucial to having a constructive and loving conversation .

5. Listen and ask questions

Listening is just as important as speaking. Give your partner space to share his or her thoughts and feelings without interruptions. Ask clarifying questions to make sure you understand what your partner means, such as: “So what you’re saying is…” or “It seems like this makes you feel good…” This helps to avoid misunderstandings and promote mutual understanding.

6. Discuss specific topics

Certain topics can help you have an in-depth conversation about sexual desires. These topics form the basis for open and honest dialogue, which can lead to a better sexual relationship and a deeper understanding of each other’s needs and desires.


Discussing boundaries is crucial to a healthy sexual relationship. This includes making it clear what you do and do not want to do in bed. Setting boundaries helps create mutual respect and understanding and prevents one of the partners from feeling uncomfortable or pressured.

These conversations can also provide an opportunity to talk about any past traumas or negative experiences that may be affecting your current sexual relationship. By being open about your boundaries, both partners can feel safer and more at ease during sexual activities.

Use of a safe word in BDSM

Another crucial aspect of discussing sexual desires is establishing a safe word, especially in the context of BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism, Masochism). A safe word is a pre-arranged term or signal that can be used during BDSM activities to indicate boundaries and stop the activity if necessary.

The well-known traffic light system is an oft-used example:

  • Green: means continue
  • Yellow: means slow down or moderate
  • Red: means stop immediately

Using a safe word allows both partners to feel safe and respected , knowing that they always have the opportunity to state their boundaries without disturbing the atmosphere. This promotes mutual trust and ensures that BDSM activities are conducted in a safe and consensual manner.


Foreplay is an important part of sexual activity for many people. Discuss how important foreplay is to you and what you like during this phase. Foreplay can range from kissing and touching to oral sex or the use of sex toys.

Talking about foreplay can help enhance the sexual experience by ensuring that both partners feel sufficiently warmed up and aroused before proceeding. This is also a good time to discuss any new things you might want to try during foreplay, such as different types of touching or techniques.

Sexual fantasies

Sharing sexual fantasies with each other can be exciting and add new dimensions to your sexual relationship. Fantasies can range from simple scenarios to more complex role play. By discussing these fantasies, you can discover what both of you find exciting and perhaps introduce new activities into your sex life. It is important to have these conversations openly and without judgment so that both partners feel safe to share their deepest desires.

Sex Toys

Discussing the use of sex toys can help introduce new experiences and pleasure into the bedroom. Sex toys can be a great way to diversify the sexual experience and discover new ways of pleasure. Talk about what sex toys you would like to use, how you want to use them and what you hope they will add to your sex life. This conversation can also help address any concerns or insecurities about using sex toys.

Light and environment

Discuss environmental preferences during sexual activities, such as whether lights should be on or off . Some people feel more comfortable in the dark, while others prefer dimmed light to create a romantic atmosphere. Discussing these details can help make the setting as comfortable and exciting as possible for both partners.

Turn-ons and turn-offs

It’s important to talk about what turns you on and what doesn’t. This can range from certain touches and words to specific behaviors or environmental factors. By clarifying what you both like, you can optimize the sexual experience and avoid unpleasant surprises. Also talk about smells, tastes and sounds that you find attractive or distracting.

Frequency and timing

Discuss how often you want to have sexual activities and what is appropriate timing for both of you. This helps avoid misunderstandings and frustrations and ensures that your sexual desires and needs are met. It is also a good time to talk about any differences in libido and how you can deal with them together .

Sexual health and hygiene

Discuss topics such as contraception, STD testing and sexual hygiene. This not only provides physical safety, but can also help increase emotional intimacy by being open about health issues. Talking about these topics can be uncomfortable at first, but is essential for a healthy and safe sexual relationship.

7. Practical tips and exercises

Try specific exercises to improve communication. A useful technique is the XYZ formula, for example, “I feel X when you do Y in situation Z.” This helps to make feelings clear without coming across as accusatory. In addition, it may be helpful to watch educational videos together or read books on sexual techniques and communication.

8. Positive reinforcement

Give compliments regularly and use positive affirmations to support and encourage your partner. This creates a positive atmosphere and strengthens the trust between you. Regularly naming your partner’s strengths and accomplishments will make you both feel appreciated and loved. This can help build a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

9. Nonverbal signaling

In addition to verbal communication, it is important to pay attention to nonverbal cues. Body language, facial expressions and touch can say a lot about what your partner likes. Pay attention to your partner’s nonverbal cues and use them to better understand how he or she is feeling. This can help create a deeper emotional and physical connection .

10. Regular communication

Get into the habit of talking regularly about your sexual desires and experiences. This helps foster open communication and prevents problems from piling up. For example, schedule a time weekly or monthly to sit down together and talk about your relationship. This can help ease any tensions and strengthen your bond.

11. Empathy and responsibility

Showing empathy and taking responsibility for your own actions and feelings are crucial. Try to empathize with your partner’s feelings and understand their point of view. This helps resolve conflicts and strengthens the bond between you. Acknowledging your mistakes and avoiding blame games contributes to healthy communication.

12. Sexual education

Consider reading books together or taking courses on sexual education. This can help increase your knowledge and understanding of sexuality and discover new ways to give each other pleasure. Books such as “Becoming Cliterate” by Dr. Laurie Mintz or “She Comes First” by Ian Kerner can offer valuable insights and help you better communicate with each other about sexual desires.


Effective communication about sexual desires requires commitment, openness and the right techniques. By creating a safe environment , being clear and respectful , using both verbal and nonverbal cues, staying positive , listening carefully, discussing specific topics and doing practical exercises , partners can improve their communication and build a deeper, more intimate bond! Applying these guidelines regularly can help you achieve a healthier and finer sexual relationship.


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